Windows Shortcut Keys

Windows 7 Shortcut Keys


New in Windows 7

The → symbol stands for the right arrow key, ← for the left arrow key, etc.
Win+Maximize the current window
Win+If the current window is maximized, restore it; if the current window is restored, minimize it
Win+Dock the current window to the left half of the screen
*If it is already docked left, it is moved to the right half of the screen
*If it is already docked right, it is restored to its original size
Win+Dock the current window to the right half of the screen
*If it is already docked right, it is moved to the left half of the screen
*If it is already docked left, it is restored to its original size
Win+Shift+Move current window to the left monitor (with dual monitors)
Win+Shift+Move current window to the right monitor (with dual monitors)
Win+HomeMinimize all but the current window
Win+SpacePeek at the desktop
Win+[Plus sign]Zoom in
Win+[Minus sign]Zoom out
Win+POpen the projection menu (generally used for laptops connected to projectors)
Alt+PIn Explorer, show/hide the preview pane

Taskbar Modifiers (New in Windows 7)

Shift+ClickOpen a new instance of the program
Ctrl+ClickCycle between windows in a group
Middle ClickOpen a new instance of the program
Ctrl+Shift+ClickOpen a new instance of the program as Administrator
Shift+Right-ClickShow window menu

Managing Windows

Alt+F4Close the active window
Alt+TabSwitch to previous active window
Alt+EscCycle through all open windows
Win+TabFlip 3D 
Ctrl+Win+TabPersistent Flip 3D
Win+TCycle through applications on taskbar (showing its live preview)
Win+MMinimize all open windows
Win+Shift+MUndo all window minimization
Win+DToggle showing the desktop
Win+Maximize the current window
Win+If the current window is maximized, restore it; if the current window is restored, minimize it
Win+Dock the current window to the left half of the screen
*If it is already docked left, it is moved to the right half of the screen
*If it is already docked right, it is restored to its original size
Win+Dock the current window to the right half of the screen
*If it is already docked right, it is moved to the left half of the screen
*If it is already docked left, it is restored to its original size
Win+Shift+Move current window to the left monitor (with dual monitors)
Win+Shift+Move current window to the right monitor (with dual monitors)
Win+HomeMinimize all but the current window
Win+SpacePeek at the desktop
Win+[Plus sign]Zoom in
Win+[Minus sign]Zoom out

Starting Programs

Win+1Open the first program on your Quick Launch bar
Win+2Open the second program on your Quick Launch bar
Win+nOpen the nth program on your Quick Launch bar
Win+UOpen the ease of access center
Win+FOpen the search window
Win+XOpen the Mobility Center
Win+EOpen Explorer
Win+ROpen the Run window [more info]
Win+BMove focus to notification tray (the right-most portion of the taskbar)
Win+POpen the projection menu (generally used for laptops connected to projectors)
Win+PauseOpen the System Properties portion from the Control Panel
Ctrl+Shift+EscOpen Windows Task Manager

Logging In And Out

While the below shortcuts seem unwieldy because of their length, they're quite easy to remember once you try them out a few times.
Win, , EnterShutdown
Win, →, →, RRestart
Win, →, →, SSleep
Win, →, →, WSwitch Users
Win+LLocks computer

Viewing Folders With Explorer

Alt+Go back
Alt+Go forward
Alt+Go up a directory
Alt+DMove focus to address bar
Alt+D, TabMove focus to search bar
Alt+EnterOpen the Properties window of the current selection
Ctrl+MousewheelChange the view type (extra large, small, list view, detail, etc.)
Alt+PShow/hide the preview pane

Basic Run Command Information

It is accessible in one of two ways: through the start menu (Figure 1) and through the shortcut key Win+R. The dialog itself looks very unassuming, and quite user unfriendly if you ask me (Figure 2). Its main purpose, as you can see from the dialog information, is to open a program, folder, document, or Internet resource which Windows will then open.

Figure 1 - Run on the Start Menu

Figure 2 - The Run Dialog

Common Tasks with Run

Below are a list of commands you can type into the Run dialog:
Run Calculatorcalc
Run Command Promptcmd
Run Firefox (if installed)firefox
Run Internet Exploreriexplore
Run Microsoft Word (if installed)winword
Run Microsoft Excel (if installed)excel
Run Microsoft Outlook (if installed)outlook
Run Notepadnotepad
Run Wordpadwordpad
Open Control Panelcontrol panel
Open Program Files folder%programfiles%
Shutdown Windowsshutdown
Restart Windowsshutdown -r
Log Off Windowslogoff
Registry Editorregedit
Task Managertaskmgr
Windows Update Launcheswupdmgr

Creating Your Own Run Commands

If you are like me, you will use a few programs very frequently. One way to make them start faster is to give them their own Run command:
  1. Win+R to open the Run dialog
  2. Enter %windir% to open the Windows directory
  3. Alt+F W S to open the File menu, choose the New menu item, then the Shortcut menu item
  4. Go through the wizard to create a shortcut to the desired program
  5. The name you give the shortcut is what you type in the Run dialog to start the program

Infrequently Used Run Commands

Below are a list of commands you can type into the Run dialog, split into several categories: programs, control panels, computer administration tools, and special folders.


Character Mapcharmap
Check Disk Utilitychkdsk
Clipboard Viewerclipbrd
Free Cellfreecell
Hearts Cardmshearts
Microsoft Chatwinchat
On Screen Keyboardosk
Remote Desktopmstsc
Spider Solitarespider
Telnet Clienttelnet
Windows Magnifiermagnify

Control Panels

Accessibility Controlsaccess.cpl
Add Hardware Wizardhdwwiz.cpl
Add/Remove Programsappwiz.cpl
Administrative Toolscontrol admintools
Automatic Updateswuaucpl.cpl
Date and Timetimedate.cpl
Display Propertiesdesk.cpl
Folders Propertiescontrol folders
Fontscontrol fonts
Fonts Folderfonts
Game Controllersjoy.cpl
Internet Propertiesinetcpl.cpl
Keyboard Propertiescontrol keyboard
Mouse Propertiescontrol mouse
Network Connectionscontrol netconnections
Network Setup Wizardnetsetup.cpl
ODBC Data Source Administratorodbccp32.cpl
Password Propertiespassword.cpl
Phone and Modem Optionstelephon.cpl
Power Configurationpowercfg.cpl
Printers and Faxescontrol printers
Printers Folderprinters
Regional Settingsintl.cpl
Scanners and Camerassticpl.cpl
Security Centerwscui.cpl
Sounds and Audiommsys.cpl
User Account Managementnusrmgr.cpl
Windows Firewallfirewall.cpl

Computer Administration Tools

Computer Managementcompmgmt.msc
Device Managerdevmgmt.msc
Disk Cleanup Utilitycleanmgr
Disk Defragmentdfrg.msc
Disk Managementdiskmgmt.msc
Disk Partition Managerdiskpart
Dr. Watson System Troubleshootingdrwtsn32
Driver Verifier Utilityverifier
Event Viewereventvwr.msc
Group Policy Editor (XP Prof)gpedit.msc
Local Security Settingssecpol.msc
Local Users and Groupslusrmgr.msc
Performance Monitorperfmon
Resultant Set of Policyrsop.msc
Scheduled Taskscontrol schedtasks
Shared Foldersfsmgmt.msc
System Configuration Editorsysedit
System Configuration Utilitymsconfig
Utility Managerutilman
Windows System Security Toolsyskey

Computer Administration Tools

Application Data Folder%appdata%
Home Directory Drive%homedrive%
Home Directory%homepath%
Shared Home Directory%homeshare%
Temporary Folder%temp%
Windows Root Drive%systemdrive%
Windows Root Directory%windir%

Firefox Shortcut Keys

Review Of Common Browser Shortcut Keys

Before we get started on Firefox, let's do a quick review of the most common Web browser shortcut keys from another article on Common Shortcut Keys:
Ctrl+NOpen a new window
Ctrl+TOpen a new tab
Ctrl+WClose the current window/tab
Alt+HomeGo to your homepage
Alt+DMove focus to the address bar to type in a URL
Ctrl+EnterAdd "http://www." and ".com" around an address
MiddleClickMiddle-clicking a tab will close it, even if it's not the active tab

All of the above work in Firefox, as well as Internet Explorer, so learn them and love them!

Firefox Shortcut Keys

If you know the above shortcut keys, you are well on your way to working faster with Firefox. But, there are some Firefox-specific shortcut keys that will save you even more time. Check them out:
Ctrl+TOpen a new tab
Ctrl+WClose the current window or tab
Ctrl+Shift+TUndo close tab (re-open the last closed tab)
Ctrl+TabSwitch to the next tab
Ctrl+Shift+TabSwitch to the previous tab
Ctrl+[0-9]Switch to the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc. tab
/Open the "Find Text As You Type" widget (bottom of screen)
'Open the "Find Links As You Type" widget (bottom of screen)
Ctrl+GFind the next occurrence of a search phrase
Ctrl+Shift+GFind the previous occurrence of a search phrase
Ctrl+KMove cursor to the Web Search widget (top right of screen)

Some of these shortcut keys need additional notes:
  • Ctrl+W will close the current tab. If there is only one tab left, it will close the window, exiting Firefox.
  • Think of Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab as analogies to Alt+Tab andAlt+Shift+Tab. Whereas the Firefox shortcut keys (using Ctrl) switch between tabs, the Windows shortcut keys (using Alt) switch between windows.
  • Just to be clear, Ctrl+[0-9] actually means Ctrl+1Ctrl+2Ctrl+3, etc. Here,Ctrl+0 will switch you to the 10th tab.
  • The "Find Text As You Type" widget that appears at the bottom of your Firefox browser when you press / looks like this:
    Search Widget
    Figure 1 - Search Widget
    Type in a phrase and Firefox will move the browser window to the first occurrence of the phrase in the website. Ctrl+G finds the next occurrences andCtrl+Shift+G finds previous.
  • Note that instead of searching through a whole website, you can search just through the links on a website by using the ' shortcut key.
  • If the search phrase you entered highlights a link, you can simply press Enterto navigate to that link.
  • Pressing Ctrl+K moves your cursor to the Web Search widget, which looks something like this:
    Web Search Widget
    Figure 2 - Web Search Widget
    Once your cursor is there, you can type in a search phrase, press enter, and you're on your way to Google.

Microsoft Word

Review of Common Text Editing Shortcut Keys

Before learning any new shortcut keys for Microsoft Word, you may wish to review the Common Shortcut Keys article in the Keyboard section. Those basics are absolutely vital for saving time when working with Microsoft Word.
For the sake of completeness, I've included the common shortcut keys discussed from that article in these tables as well. So, you may see some shortcut keys you already know.

Shortcut Keys

Formatting Text: Changing Decoration

Ctrl+BBold the selected text bold
Ctrl+IItalicize the selected text italic
Ctrl+UUnderline the selected text
Ctrl+Shift+DDouble underline
Ctrl+Shift+NApply "Normal" style

Formatting Text: Changing Fonts

Ctrl+DOpen font options dialog box
Ctrl+Shift+FSelect font face in toolbar
Ctrl+Shift+PSelect font size in toolbar
Ctrl+]Increase font size by one pt
Ctrl+[Decrease font size by one pt
Ctrl+Shift+>Increase font size
Ctrl+Shift+<<Decrease font size
Ctrl+SpacebarReset to default font face

Formatting Text: Manipulating Paragraphs

Ctrl+ECenter paragraph
Ctrl+MJustify paragraph
Ctrl+LFlush paragraph left
Ctrl+RFlush paragraph right
Ctrl+MIndent paragraph
Ctrl+Shift+MUn-indent paragraph
Ctrl+1Single-space lines
Ctrl+2Double-space lines
Ctrl+51.5-space lines

Remember that you can use these shortcut keys both for existing text and for new text. To understand, let's look at the example of bolding text:
  • If you have existing text that you want to bold: 1) select that text, 2) hit theCtrl+B shortcut key to make the text bold.
  • If you are going to type some text that you want to be bold: 1) hit the Ctrl+Bshortcut key, 2) type the text, 3) then hit Ctrl+B again to turn off the bolding.

Editing Text

Ctrl+BackspaceDelete the previous word
Ctrl+DelDelete the next word
Ctrl+FFind text in the current document
Ctrl+HReplace text in the current document
Ctrl+EnterPage break

Moving the Cursor

These shortcut keys are great for navigating around documents. For example, I use Ctrl+RightArrow (move the cursor right one word) when I'm trying to edit a word in the middle of a line since it gets me there faster than picking up my mouse and clicking there. I also use Ctrl+DownArrow (move the cursor to the next paragraph) to scan the entire document quickly.
PageUpMove the cursor up a page
PageDownMove the cursor down a page
HomeMove the cursor to the beginning of the line
EndMove the cursor to the end of the line
Ctrl+HomeMove the cursor to the beginning of the document
Ctrl+EndMove the cursor to the end of the document
Ctrl+LeftArrowMove the cursor left one word
Ctrl+RightArrowMove the cursor right one word
Ctrl+UpArrowMove the cursor to beginning of, or previous paragraph
Ctrl+DownArrowMove the cursor to end of, or next paragraph

Selecting Text

The shortcut keys for selecting text are directly related to those that move the cursor around. Just add a Shift:
Shift+PageUpSelect everything between the cursor and a page previous
Shift+PageDownSelect everything between the cursor and a page after
Shift+HomeSelect everything between the cursor and the beginning of the line
Shift+EndSelect everything between the cursor and the end of the line
Shift+Ctrl+HomeSelect everything betweeen the cursor and the beginning of the document
Shift+Ctrl+EndSelect everything between the cursor and the end of the document
Shift+Ctrl+LeftArrowSelect the word to the left
Shift+Ctrl+RightArrowSelect the word to the right

Using the Clipboard

Ctrl+CCopy what's selected
Ctrl+XCut what's selected
Ctrl+VPaste what you last copied or cut
Ctrl+ASelect all

Working with Documents

Ctrl+NNew document
Ctrl+OOpen existing document
Ctrl+SSave document
F12Save document as...
Ctrl+WClose document
Ctrl+PPrint document
Ctrl+F6Switch to the next open documewnt
Ctrl+Shift+F6Switch to the previous open documewnt
Alt+F4Exit Microsoft Word


F7Open spellcheck dialog box
Shift+F7Open thesaurus dialog box
Ctrl+ZUndo your last action
Ctrl+YRedo your last action

Mouse Shortcuts

Microsoft Word also has support for some mouse shortcuts. Overall, I recommend learning the keyboard shortcuts so you don't have to switch from keyboard to mouse to keyboard. But, sometimes these can come in handy:
Double-click a wordSelect the word
Triple-click a wordSelect the paragraph
Left-click the space on the left of a lineSelect the line
Double-click the space on the left of a lineSelect the paragraph
Ctrl+ScrollUpZoom in on the document
Ctrl+ScrollDownZoom out of the document
Click and drag some textSelect text from where you click and hold to where you let go
Click and drag the space on the left of a lineSelect the lines you drag over

Example Scenarios

Scenario: Bold some text you are about to type
  1. Ctrl+B to turn on the bold feature
  2. Type the text you want to be bold
  3. Ctrl+B to turn off the bold feature

Scenario: Selecting A Line Of Text
  1. Home to move the cursor to the beginning of the line
  2. Shift-End to move the cursor to the end of the line and select everything alonig the way

50 Windows 8 Keyboard Shortcuts You Should Know

Windows 8 is the latest offering from Microsoft and has reinvented itself as an operating system for both tablet and PC users. While touchscreen users can take advantage of the many navigational rewrites e.g. the Charms Menu, Metro UI with tiles, and swipes, Microsoft has also done their part to ensure that users who prefer getting around with the keyboard would not be left out.
Windows 8 Shortcut Keys

To cater to this group, Microsoft has integrated new keyboard shortcuts to let them navigate through the reconstructed OS faster and easier. And as much fun as touchscreens can be, sometimes you can do more with keyboard shortcuts than you can with swipes. Besides, if you are part of the keyboard generation, shortcuts just come more naturally anyways.
Read on for 50 keyboard shortcuts that you’d probably find yourself using on Windows 8, when out of swipe mode


Shortcut Description
Windows Key + D Show Desktop
Windows Key + C Open Charms Menu
Windows Key + F Charms Menu – Search
Windows Key + H Charms Menu – Share
Windows Key + K Charms Menu – Devices
Windows Key + I Charms Menu – Settings
Windows Key + Q Search For Installed Apps
Windows Key + W Search Settings
Windows Key + Tab Cycle through open Modern UI Apps
Windows Key + Shift + Tab Cycle through open Modern UI Apps in reverse order
Windows Key + . Snaps app to the right (split screen multitasking)
Windows Key + Shift + . Snaps app to the left (split screen multitasking)
Windows Key + , Temporarily view desktop
Alt + F4 Quit Modern UI Apps
Windows Key + E Launch Windows Explorer Window
Windows Key + L Lock PC and go to lock screen
Windows Key + T Cycle through icons on taskbar (press Enter to launch app)
Windows Key + X Show Advanced Windows Settings Menu
Windows Key + E Launch Windows Explorer Window
Windows Key + Page Down Moves Start screen and apps to secondary monitor on the right
Windows Key + M Minimize all Windows
Windows Key + Shift + M Restore all minimized Windows
Windows Key + R Open Run dialog box
Windows Key + Up Arrow Maximize current window
Windows Key + Down Arrow Minimize current window
Windows Key + Left Arrow Maximize current window to left side of the screen
Windows Key + Right Arrow Maximize current window to right side of the screen
Ctrl + Shift + Escape Open Task Manager
Windows Key + Print Screen Takes a Print Screen and saves it to your Pictures folder
Windows Key + Page Up Moves Start screen and apps to secondary monitor on the left
Windows Key + Pause Break Display System Properties
Shift + Delete Permanently delete files without sending it to Recycle Bin
Windows Key + F1 Open Windows Help and Support
Windows Key + V Cycle through notifications
Windows Key + Shift + V Cycle through notifications in reverse order
Windows Key + 0 to 9 Launch/show app pinned to taskbar at indicated number
Windows Key + Shift + 0 to 9 Launch new instance of app pinned to taskbar at indicated number
Alt + Enter Display Properties of selected item in File Explorer
Alt + Up Arrow View upper level folder of current folder in File Explorer
Alt + Right Arrow View next folder in File Explorer
Alt + Left Arrow View previous folder in File Explorer
Windows Key + P Choose secondary display modes
Windows Key + U Open Ease of Access Center
Alt + Print Screen Print Screen focused Window only
Windows Key + Spacebar Switch input language and keyboard layout
Windows Key + Shift + Spacebar Switch to previous input language and keyboard layout
Windows Key + Enter Open Narrator
Windows Key + + Zoom in using Magnifier
Windows Key + - Zoom out using Magnifier
Windows Key + Escape Exit Magnifier

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